Delaware Latest To Lift Hurdle To Nurse Practitioners During Pandemic
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It takes a village to raise a child well, as the African proverb goes, and nurse practitioner Tia Knight-Forbes says her village is Amityville.
A Louisiana university has a $1.9 million federal grant to train mental health nurse practitioners.
Two bills, which would allow medical professionals who aren’t doctors greater latitude in serving patients, are advancing in the Senate. Taken together, the bills would help reduce health care costs by freeing up pharmacists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to perform more basic services.
When you’re pregnant, you need more than an annual visit to a primary care professional to stay healthy. You need prenatal care. This means a lot more visits to a doctor, midwife, or nurse practitioner. If you don’t have health insurance and are worried about how to pay for prenatal care, there are many organizations that offer low-cost or even free care during pregnancy.